Uptime Institute Announces New IT Efficiency Recognition Program

Data center efficiency certification organization The Uptime Institute announced in mid-May that it is introducing a new efficient IT approval process. The new program, known as the Uptime Institute Efficient IT Stamp of Approval, will be a "holistic, third-party assessment for efficiency and sustainability," according to the organization.

For the last two decades the Uptime Institute has provided data centers and other computing facilities with management-based recommendations for significantly improving cost and resource savings. However, over the past 10 years, the organization has been primarily focused on increasing energy efficiency by making changes to power and cooling infrastructure and ignoring other areas that are often larger causes of systemic IT inefficiency.

The Stamp of Approval looks to change that, using a holistic approach that takes into account criteria from three areas: Leadership, Operations and Design. Instead of being centered around prescriptive requirements to attain certifications, the program is based on behaviors and outcomes, similar to the organization's Management & Operations Stamp of Approval.

"Uptime Institute Efficient IT is about better use of resources to better enable the business," said Julian Kudritzki, chief operating officer of the Uptime Institute. "Efficient IT isn't bought, it's managed. But in many siloed organizations, there is no effective structure to recognize achievement or set meaningful goals. Uptime Institute Efficient IT Stamp of Approval codifies the management processes and leadership behaviors that ensure sustained cost savings and resource agility."

Progress, Not Promises Important For New Approval Process 
​The Stamp of Approval offers benchmarks for a company's achievements in a variety of categories, including planning, decision making and monitoring, to improve the use of assets and extend lifecycles for hardware, networks and the entire data center. The Efficient IT Stamp of Approval is awarded in two levels, Approved and Activated. Approved sites are those that have met the Uptime Institute's protocols for industry excellence. Facilities that are designated as Activated are formally committed to the Efficient IT principles and are using the program to encourage improvements but still have some work to do. Approved stamps are valid for two years, while Activated stamps are valid for one. Unlike with the Institute's tiered certifications, stamps are based on scores and there is no one way to receive approval. 

Some of the world's leading companies have already adopted the Efficient IT Stamp of Approval program. Health care provider Kaiser Permanente has two stamps of approval and building materials firm CEMEX has an Activated stamp on its Monterrey site.

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