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Google has announced game-changing updates to its AI-optimized cloud, featuring fifth-generation TPUs and NVIDIA H100 GPUs. Companies like Gridspace have reported a 5x increase in AI model training speed using the TPU v5e. This move highlights the demands of generative AI and large language models, which have seen their ‘parameters’ increase tenfold annually. Another notable advancement is the introduction of Multislice technology, which supports scaling of AI models beyond the physical limits of TPU pods. This capability is expected to materially boost Google Cloud’s performance. Lastly, as Google and other hyperscalers industrialize, it is increasingly evident that compute is migrating to regional hubs of power with friendly development environments. These hubs are revitalizing our industrial stock and evolving into the central backbone of our modern compute industry.

  • US Data Center Provider, OneNeck® IT Solutions, Teams with WiredRE, Leading Data Center Advisor

    Las Vegas, Nevada / Scottsdale, Arizona (Aug. 21, 2014) — OneNeck IT Solutions announces today they are teaming up with Wired Real Estate Group (WiredRE) to advise enterprises about colocation data center space availability at OneNeck data centers located across the country. “It’s well-known that IT services delivered in the form of Software as a Service, or cloud hosting, is growing both in scale and complexity, leading to the need for purpose built, redundant and survivable data centers,” states Phil LaForge, President and CEO of OneNeck. “Teaming up with the nation’s leading data center advisory firm will help us to...

  • Data Center Finance: Security Startup GuardiCore Secures $11 million in Funding

    GuardiCore, an Israeli data center security startup, announced in August that they completed an $11 million round of fundraising led by Battery Ventures. The company was looking to financially support a new technology it developed that will stop threats from moving to different locations once inside a data center.The increasing popularity of virtualization has made it difficult for those operating data centers to monitor and follow attacks that have gained access to servers."When multiple pairs of virtual machines communicate at rates of gigabits per second, it is practically impossible to apply context aware security controls," GardiCore's website stated.Modern security techniques - such as...

  • Texas Data Center Planned for Patronus

    First announced earlier this year, Patronus Data Center is currently finalizing the details for its newest Texas data center in Frisco. The company's plans include four clustered structures on a 35-acre site near Dallas. The construction will take place in four phases and will see the completion of approximately 500,000 square feet of data center space. The first phase would include the establishment of the first 125,000 square foot data center building, which will feature 30,000 square feet of office space. All told, the project will cost an estimated $250 million for property improvements and will also create 40 employment opportunities...

  • China Colocation Data Center Partnership Announced For Apple and China Telecom

    Apple announced in August that it has begun hosting the data of its Chinese users in a state-controlled China Telecom colocation data center. The China Telecom facility, located in Fuzhou, is Apple's only colocation data center in the country. The goal of the partnership between Apple and China Telecom is to relieve issues of slow iCloud connectivity being experienced by users in the country. Working together with China Telecom allows Apple to ensure high performance of the data servers that host the iCloud? service. This may help to ease concerns from the Chinese government of potential leaks of user data from...

  • The Growing Threat From an EMP Attack

    By  R. JAMES WOOLSEY and PETER VINCENT PRY A nuclear device detonated above the U.S. could kill millions, and we've done almost nothing to prepare. In a recent letter to investors, billionaire hedge-fund manager Paul Singer warned that an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is "the most significant threat" to the U.S. and our allies in the world. He's right. Our food and water supplies, communications, banking, hospitals, law enforcement, etc., all depend on the electric grid. Yet until recently little attention has been paid to the ease of generating EMPs by detonating a nuclear weapon in orbit above the U.S., and thus bringing our...