Michigan Data Center Planned for EdgeConneX and TelNet Worldwide

Toward the end of July, hosting provider EdgeConneX and cloud communications vendor TelNet Worldwide announced plans for a new joint state-of-the-art Michigan data center.

The facility is being built according to Tier III standards for uptime and data center sustainability, and is scheduled for completion in November. The structure will feature a purpose-built, rapid deploy design and will include innovations from both EdgeConneX and TelNet. The new Michigan data center will be one of the most advanced in the state.

EdgeConneX noted that the Michigan data center location was chosen specifically due to the region’s robust data center fiber optic density, as well as its proximity to the state’s technology hub. The facility will be part of the company’s network of 14 Edge Data Centers, which are all situated near network provider aggregation points for low latency data transmission.

“EdgeConneX is locating data centers strategically throughout the US to reshape the way the Internet functions, and Detroit is an important location,” noted TelNet CEO Pat O’Leary.